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  • Tags: High School

1980 Computers, High School Students 02
"March 1980 - La Grande High Schoolers with Microcomputers"

1980 Computers, High School Students 03
"March 1980 - La Grande High Schoolers with Microcomputers"

1980 Computers, High School Students 04
"March 1980 - La Grande High Schoolers with Microcomputers"

1980 Computers, High School Students 05
"March 1980 - La Grande High Schoolers with Microcomputers"

1980 Parade, Marching Band 01
"October 1980" A series of images of the Baker High School Marching Band making it's way along the homecoming parade route.

1980 Parade, Marching Band 02
"October 1980" A series of images of the Baker High School Marching Band making it's way along the homecoming parade route.

1980 Parade, Marching Band 03
"October 1980" A series of images of the Baker High School Marching Band making it's way along the homecoming parade route.

1980 Photography, High School Students 02
"January 25, 1980 - Homedale High" Lori Freud working on photography.

1980 Photography, High School Students 03
"January 25, 1980 - Homedale High" Lori Freud working on photography.
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