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  • Tags: Geelvink Bay

Biak Camp, Photo Lab 1
"17th T. Recon Sqdn Photo Section being set up. 3' by 6' floor panels were fabricated before we left Finchhaffen" From "Darkroom Soldier": "Biak Photo Lab. In his August 19 letter, Hill sketched the new photo lab floor plan and, in a photo, he…

Biak Camp, Photo Lab 2
"The Completed Biak Photo lab exterior"

Biak Camp, Photo Section
"Tent home of some Photo section men on Biak - 17th tactical Reconnaissance Squadron"

Biak Camp, US Flag 1
"US Flag ona make shift pole and tents with laundry on a line. Biak 17th Recon Sqdn"

Biak Camp, US Flag 2
"17th Tactical Reconnaissance Squadron, 71st Group. 5th AF -- The Orderly Room tent and flag pole"

Biak Camp, Water Tank
"Moving big water tank onto supporting frame - for gravity feed to Kitchen and showers. Island of Biak - Dutch New Guinea 17th Tact. Recon Sqdn" From "Darkroom Soldier": "Water Suppliers. To create a gravity fed water supply for mess hall and…

Biak Coral Cliffs 1
"Example of coral cliffs facing the beach. Japanese had dug caves and tunnels there in for defense installations"

Biak Coral Cliffs 2
"The vertical Coral Cliff along the road parallel to the beach - South side of Biak"

Biak Coral Cliffs 3
"Example of the near vertical coral rock walls just inland from the beach where many Japanese had dug caves."

Biak Coral Cliffs 4
"The Cliff - coral - that extended for miles along the south coast of Biak in which the Japanise had many gun emplacements" From "Darkroom Soldier": "Invading Biak. On May 27-31, 1944, American forces landed on beaches between Mokmer Village and…
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