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  • Tags: Elgin School

Elgin School Students 5
"Elgin 4th grade - Mildred Schnore teacher"

Elgin School Students 4
"Elgin School Classes - Fred in them" Fred Hill appears to be directly in the middle of the front row.

Elgin School Students 3
"Elgin School Classes - Fred in them" Fred Hill appears to be third in from the left on the front row.

Elgin School Students 2
"Elgin School Classes - Fred in them" Fred Hill appears to be in the front row on the far left.

Elgin School Students 1
"Elgin School Classes - Fred in them" Fred Hill appears to be in the front row, third in from the right.

Elgin School Students 10
"E.5. Elgin School - 1933-34"

Elgin School Students 9
"E.4. Elgin School - 1933-34"

Elgin School Students 8
"E.3. Elgin School - 1933-34"

Elgin School Students 7
"E.1. Elgin School - 1933-34"

Elgin School Students 6
"Elgin School - 2nd Grade - 1937-38 - Example of the work by Fred Hill - Studio in Elgin 1937-40"
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