"Class of 1935 - Helen Gibson, Charter Years, c. 1929-1939" This is a portrait of Helen Gibson wearing a large, white collar with a tiny bowtie at the neck over a dark colored sweater.
"Class of 1935 - Nellie Campbell Herisa, Charter Years, c. 1929-1939" This is a portrait of Nellie Campbell Herisa wearing a dark colored, sweater with a large white bowtie.
"Class of 1935 - Lois Cameron Luck, Charter Years, c. 1929-1939" This is a portrait of Lois Cameron Luck wearing a dark colored, blouse with a white collar.
"Class of 1935 - Iva May Arkell Leinback, Charter Years, c. 1929-1939" This is a protrait of Iva May Arkell Leinback wearing a dark colored blouse with a white collar and dark colored earrings.