Browse Items (7 total)

  • Tags: Chutes

Baker, Columbia Mine
"Baker [County] Sumpter, Oregon area mines - [Columbia Mines and Mills] - circa 1901-1903" [Golconda Mills and Mines is located in the background on the opposite, facing hillside.]

Baker, Columbia Mine
"Columbia Mines and Mills - circa 1901-1903. [Baker County, Sumpter, Oregon area] Golconda Mills and Mines is located in the background on the opposite, facing hillside."

Algoma Lumber Co. Sawmill
"1846. [Judging by the condition of the photograph and the structure of the mill and surrounding buildings, this appears to be a photograph identification #, not a year reference.] Algoma Lumber Co. mill near Algoma, Ore."

Sumpter, Black Pine Flume 2
"Part of Bed Rock Flume - Black Pine Placer Mines - Sumpter, Oregon area - June 1, 1902 - No. 2"

Sumpter, Black Pine Flume 1
"No. 3 Black Pine Placer Mines - June 1, 1902 - view of Placer mining operation with Bed Rock Flume in the foreground - Sumpter, Oregon area"

Sumpter, Mining 4
"Mine Shaft - circa 1901-1903 - Sumpter, Oregon area"

Sumpter, Mining 1
"Cribbing for mine tunnels - shows cribbing cut for mining tunnels and piles near tunnel entrances"
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