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  • Tags: Carving
"Cooks cutting turkey - Christmas 1944 at Dulag"
"Christmas turkey - Dulag 1944" From "Darkroom Soldier": "Hill photographed Army cooks carving the traditional bird on November 24 -- one day early. In a letter, he praised the meal: 'We did have turkey! Real, fresh, roasted turkey! I got about half…
"Hand carved bamboo comb - a tourist trade item - perhaps actually used by local people. Called a supwac" From "Darkroom Soldier": "Papuan Supwac. Hill brought home this typical hand-carved comb for which he traded two flashlight batteries. He later…
"Local New Guinea native carving a bamboo comb - Copy from a color slide" From "Darkroom Soldier": "Carving a Comb. Using a western-style scout knife, an older Papuan man crafts a bamboo comb. During the war, such items were popular for both trade…
Hand drum. From "Darkroom Soldier": "New Guinea Garamot. Carved from a solid log, New Guinea tribes used these drums to send complex messages over several miles. Hill first recorded hearing the 'jungle telegraph' on November 9 at Milne Bay. In…
"Thanksgiving with Bob & Jean Casey in Los Angeles - 1946 Fred Hill - Bob Casey - Martha Hill - Jean Casey"
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