Browse Items (16 total)

  • Tags: Binder operation

Farming 2
Farming operation, most likely in the Grande Ronde Valley of Oregon.

Kansas, Wheat Harvesting
"Harvesting wheat - Bucklin, Kansas"

Elgin Farm, Carl Long 2
"Carl Long Farm scenes - Elgin - 1940 - Big 51 Combine

Farming 1
"Grande Ronde Valley - no date"

Alicel, Farming 1
"Jasper Place - white wheat 50 bu (bushels) / acre - Mt. Harris in background, so Alicel area"

Elgin, Farm Binders
"McCormick type binders - Elgin area - 1920's" [Photograph used in "History of Elgin, Oregon" by Bernal Hug (page 195, picture no. 117).]

Alicel, Farm Header
"Ruckman Header - Alicel area - 6 horses pushing, plus a headerbox wagon - 6 men - 1900+/-"

Imbler, Farm Thrashing Operation
"Geo & Bill Ruckman - Imbler, Oregon - Sept. 22, 1890 Thrashing scene east of Alicel"

Farm, Haying Operation 3
A farmer rides a "Champion" farm machine pulled by horses. Numerous hay stacks are visible in the background.
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