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  • Tags: Aptitude testing

1949-50 Student, Aptitude Testing 1-2
"1949-50 Aptitude testing in the Psych lab by Charles C. Carter"

1949-50 Student, Aptitude Testing 1-1
"1949-50 Aptitude testing in the Psych lab by Charles C. Carter" [Photo appears in the 1950 Mountaineer yearbook, "Psychology" section.]

1949-50 Students, Aptitude Testing 2
"1949-50 Aptitude testing" Professor Ralph Badgley stands facing students while giving instructions regarding their aptitude testing.

1949-50 Students, Aptitude Testing 1
"1949-50 Aptitude testing" Rows of desks have been set up in the Ackerman gymnasium in order to conduct aptitude testing. [Photo appears in the 1950 Mountaineer yearbook, "Freshman Days" section.]
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