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Cove, Hotel
"A Hotel in Cove"

Cove High School, 1911
"Cove High School Student Body 1911"

Cove, Cherry Festival Queen
"Ada Houx - 1913 Cherry Festival Queen"

Cove School, 1915
"Cove School 1915 +/-" "Greetings from Cove, Oregon"

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Cove School, Students 2
"Cove School - 8th grade, 1911 Top Row Left to right: Vernon Love, Philip Conklin, Luin Loutz, Unidentified, Belle Sills (teacher), Unidentified, Newcomb, Herman Lund, Guy Barker Seated, left to right: Ada Houx, Lela Sills, Vera Peace, Wilmuth Orton,…

Cove, 1912
"City of Cove from 1912 post card" The Cove Hotel is visible near the center of the left side edge of image.

Cove, Cherry Fair Parade 1
"9th Annual Cherry Fair, Cove, Ore. - 1919" The parade procession is passing in front of the Cove Hotel.

Cove, Cherry Fair Parade 2
"Fourth Annual Cherry Fair Parade 1914 - Cove, Oregon" The parade procession is passing in front of the Forsstrom Bros. business and the porch of the Cove Hotel.
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