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  • Tags: Army occupancy

1943 Training Command Archery 1
"(4-15-43) East Ore. State Normal School. In front of EOC Adm. Bldg. [Administration Building] Army Program." Young men in Army uniforms line up behind young women who are practicing archery on the grass field in front of Inlow Hall.

40's Training Command Wall Stands
"1940-49" Four young men in white T-shirts and shorts go over a wall during their training. In a fairly significant show of strength they hold their legs up in the air at the top of the wall. A small part of Ackerman School is visible in the…

40's Training Command Award
"1940-49 - President Roben J. Maaske" On the right, EOCE President Roben J. Maaske receives an Army Air Forces Training Command Certficate of Service Award for EOCE from an Army Captain on the left.

40's Training Command Calisthenics 1
"1940-49 - Building Up to Tear Down the Axis. A class of aviation students present an orderly muscle array as the college coaches lead them through calisthenics an hour each day, six days a week. EOC campus in front of Adm. Bldg. [Administration…
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