Browse Items (41418 total)

Portrait - Wetherby, Anna
"Anna Jones Wetherby - 'Gay ninety ['90's?] styles'"

Portrait - Wedding Group
Studio portrait of a bride and groom and four other people from their wedding party. [Photographer based in Omaha, Nebraska, so listing that state as the place this was taken.]

Portrait - W.C.T.U. Group
"Women's Christian Temperance Union - Summerville, Oregon - circa 1885-1887. Identification as follows: (left to right) Top Row: Minnie Gilham Wade, Mrs. Simon McKenzie, Anna Rinehart Smith, unidentified, Jennie Gilham Rinehart, Belle Paul. Front…

Portrait - Veterinary Group
"Joint meeting of Oregon and Washington State veterinary medical association - Tacoma, Wash."

Portrait - Tulley Family
"Tulley Family, left to right: Raz, Levi and Jim. They were the first white men to winter in Wallowa Valley. They drove a herd of cattle in during the Fall of 1871."

Portrait - Trout
"Trout - eastern Oregon - circa 1900"

Portrait - Townley, Mary
"Mary Townley - 'Taken on my 91st birthday, April 29th, 1918, Union', Oregon."

Portrait - Thompson, A.
"A. Thompson - Christmas 1900. Resident of Union or Cove, Oregon." Written on back of photograph: "To Miss Bell."

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Portrait - Thomas, Gertrude
"Mrs. Gertrude Mitchell Thomas of Portland and Union, Oregon."

Portrait - Stevens, Ward
"Ward S. Stevens in military uniform - Portland, Oregon - Aug. 21, 1891. Departed life May 6, 1902. Photograph of a painting done by T.A. McFarland in 1891. Godfather of Miss Margaret Bell of Union, Oregon."
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