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70's Theater Makeup Room 09
Seventeen images of the cast of a play applying their character makeup.

70's Theater Makeup Room 08
Seventeen images of the cast of a play applying their character makeup.

70's Theater Makeup Room 07
Seventeen images of the cast of a play applying their character makeup.

70's Theater Makeup Room 06
Seventeen images of the cast of a play applying their character makeup.

70's Theater Makeup Room 05
Seventeen images of the cast of a play applying their character makeup.

70's Theater Makeup Room 04
Seventeen images of the cast of a play applying their character makeup.

70's Theater Makeup Room 03
Seventeen images of the cast of a play applying their character makeup.

Lyle Schwarz (left side).

70's Theater Makeup Room 02
Seventeen images of the cast of a play applying their character makeup.

1971 Spring Play, "The Firebugs" 20
1971 Spring Play - "The Firebugs"

From left to right: Carol Galbreath (1st or 2nd, not specified), Greg Davis (3rd).

1971 Spring Play, "The Firebugs" 19
1971 Spring Play - "The Firebugs"

Daniel Wardwell (left), Dennis Strachota (right).
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