Browse Items (42375 total)

Wallowa Lake, 1929+/- 6
"3. Wallowa Lake - 1929 +/-"


Wallowa Lake, 1929+/- 5
"Wallowa Lake - 1929 +/-"

Wallowa Lake, 1929+/- 4
"1929 +/-" The dirt road that skirts along the edge of Wallowa Lake.

Wallowa Lake, 1929+/- 3
"1929 +/-" The dirt road that skirts along the edge of Wallowa Lake.

Wallowa Lake, 1929+/- 2
"1929 +/-" Wallowa Lake, taken from the dirt road skirting along the edge.

Oregon, Bridge 1
One of the bridges in eastern Oregon, most likely crossing the Grande Ronde River.

Perry, Grande Ronde Bridge 3
"Grande Ronde Bridge at Perry, Oregon - 1929+/-"

Perry, Grande Ronde Bridge 2
"Grande Ronde Bridge at Perry, Oregon - 1929+/-"

Farm, Haying Operation 4
Haystacks are piled near a very small house. The family is outdoors, and a couple of them are riding in a wagon pulled by a two-horse team. There is a trough in the foreground.

Oregon, Hay Wagon
"1929+/-" A man drives a wagon filled with loose hay. It is pulled by a four horse team.
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