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  • Tags: State Normal

30's Inlow Hall 6
An early picture of Inlow Hall that appears to have been taken with something like an infrared lens in order to create a lighting effect.

1934 Inlow Hall Entrance
"1934+/- Inlow Hall, Administration Building, State Normal School" This is a picture of the entrance and middle facade of Inlow Hall.

1943 Training Command Students 1
"(4-15-43) East ORE. State Normal School - Hall of Admin building" A group of young men all dressed alike in military type uniforms walk down one of the hallways of Inlow Hall together. They are talking and carrying books.

1943 Training Command Residence 1
"(4-15-43) East ORE. State School" One of the dormitory rooms in Hunt Hall where Army aviation students attached to the Eastern Training Command live during their training.

1929 Inlow Hall 2
"3. State Normal - La Grande, Oregon"

1929 Inlow Hall 1
"8. State Normal School - La Grande, Ore. - June 5, 1929" - Inlow Hall

1929 Laying Cornerstone 3
"The Cornerstone" Using a winch and pulley, a group of men get ready to set the cornerstone on Inlow Hall. The gentleman in front is wearing a medal and apron associated with the Masons.

1929 Laying Cornerstone 2
"4. Laying of Cornerstone, State Normal School, June 5, 1929, La Grande, Oregon"

1929 Laying Cornerstone 1
"Laying of Corner Stone, State Normal School, June 5, 1929, La Grande, Oregon"

1943 Training Command Archery 2
"(4-15-43) Ea. Ore. State Normal School" Young men attached to the training command at EOCE and wearing military uniforms, instruct young women in archery. They are all standing around a target covered in arrows.
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