"(4-15-43) East ORE. State Normal School - Hall of Admin building" A group of young men all dressed alike in military type uniforms walk down one of the hallways of Inlow Hall together. They are talking and carrying books.
"(4-15-43) East ORE. State School" One of the dormitory rooms in Hunt Hall where Army aviation students attached to the Eastern Training Command live during their training.
"The Cornerstone" Using a winch and pulley, a group of men get ready to set the cornerstone on Inlow Hall. The gentleman in front is wearing a medal and apron associated with the Masons.
"(4-15-43) Ea. Ore. State Normal School" Young men attached to the training command at EOCE and wearing military uniforms, instruct young women in archery. They are all standing around a target covered in arrows.