"Local New Guinea native carving a bamboo comb - Copy from a color slide" From "Darkroom Soldier": "Carving a Comb. Using a western-style scout knife, an older Papuan man crafts a bamboo comb. During the war, such items were popular for both trade…
"Hand carved bamboo comb - a tourist trade item - perhaps actually used by local people. Called a supwac" From "Darkroom Soldier": "Papuan Supwac. Hill brought home this typical hand-carved comb for which he traded two flashlight batteries. He later…
"Native garden in foreground. Ships in distant water (Speed graphic camera)" From "Darkroom Soldier": "Taro Plantation. Within sight of Allied warships anchored off Finschhafen (background), Hill photographed this hillside taro plantation. When…
"Scene of the super structure of the Liberty Ship 'Russell Sage" From "Darkroom Soldier": "Superstructure Sunrise. Waiting for nearly a month on board the Russell Sage, Hill took every opportunity to photograph the dramatic natural events from the…
"Moving big water tank onto supporting frame - for gravity feed to Kitchen and showers. Island of Biak - Dutch New Guinea 17th Tact. Recon Sqdn" From "Darkroom Soldier": "Water Suppliers. To create a gravity fed water supply for mess hall and…
"A detail of men have just moved a latrine seat box into position over a pit that required dynamite to dig. The box is a 10 holer - two rows of 5, back to back. A V-10? 17th Recon Sqdn" From left to right: John Kapp, John Nasca, Clifford Jones,…
"LATRINE SOCIAL Just finished installing the Officer's Latrine - Biak" From "Darkroom Soldier": "Testing, 1,2,3... Ready for any comic relief when their work is finished, enlisted men try out the officers' new latrine. Seated, left to right: Clifford…