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  • Tags: Stereo speakers

1985 Residence Life, Outdoors 01
"3/1985 - Campus candids" Six images of Hunt Hall residents enjoying a day of sunshine outdoors by playing frisbee, tanning, and listening to music.

1985 Residence Life, Outdoors 02
"3/1985 - Campus candids" Six images of Hunt Hall residents enjoying a day of sunshine outdoors by playing frisbee, tanning, and listening to music.

1985 Residence Life, Outdoors 03
"3/1985 - Campus candids" Six images of Hunt Hall residents enjoying a day of sunshine outdoors by playing frisbee, tanning, and listening to music.

1985 Residence Life, Outdoors 04
"3/1985 - Campus candids" Six images of Hunt Hall residents enjoying a day of sunshine outdoors by playing frisbee, tanning, and listening to music.

1985 Residence Life, Outdoors 05
"3/1985 - Campus candids" Six images of Hunt Hall residents enjoying a day of sunshine outdoors by playing frisbee, tanning, and listening to music.

1985 Residence Life, Outdoors 06
"3/1985 - Campus candids" Six images of Hunt Hall residents enjoying a day of sunshine outdoors by playing frisbee, tanning, and listening to music.
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