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  • Tags: Moped

1982 High school Wapiti League Basketball Tournament, Raffle 01
"2/1982 - High school Wapiti League basketball tournament in Quinn" Three images of the Honda moped that is being raffled off at the basketball tournament, and the cheerleaders serving as moped escorts. [The cheerleaders appear to be from Pine Eagle…

1982 High school Wapiti League Basketball Tournament, Raffle 02
"2/1982 - High school Wapiti League basketball tournament in Quinn" Three images of the Honda moped that is being raffled off at the basketball tournament, and the cheerleaders serving as moped escorts. [The cheerleaders appear to be from Pine Eagle…

1982 High school Wapiti League Basketball Tournament, Raffle 03
"2/1982 - High school Wapiti League basketball tournament in Quinn" Three images of the Honda moped that is being raffled off at the basketball tournament, and the cheerleaders serving as moped escorts. [The cheerleaders appear to be from Pine Eagle…
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