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Ambulong Island 3
"Mother bathing young girl on tiny Island of Ambulong - part of the extended family of James Aubi - Taken by Fred Hill while other soldiers fished from the crash boat" From "Darkroom Soldier": "Bathing the Children. James Aubi's sister bathes her…
Tags: Ambulong, Aubi, Darkroom, Filipinos, Girl, Island Bathing, James, Mother, Nudity, Shallow pan, Sister, Soldier quote
Ambulong Island 4
"Filipino mother bathing her child in a large pan - one of the many off-shore Islands near Mindoro - rode there with a search and rescue crew in a Higgins boat"
Tags: Ambulong, Aubi, Filipinos, Girl, Island Bathing, James, Mother, Shallow pan, Sister
Ambulong Island 5
"Children of the families related to James Aubi on Ambulong - froma visit from a crash boat fishing outing - to one of very small neighboring Islands" From "Darkroom Soldier": "Nieces of James Aubi." ("Darkroom Soldier" caption authored by George…
Tags: Ambulong, Aubi, Darkroom, Filipinos, Girl, Island Bathing, James, Nieces, Shallow pan, Soldier quote
Ambulong Island 6
"Nephew of James Aubi of Ambulong - an Island I visited while others were fishing on the crash boat - Aubi rowed out to the crash boat to greet us and invited me to come ashore to take pictures"
Tags: Ambulong, Aubi, Boy, Crying, Filipinos, Island Bathing, James, Nephew, Nudity, Shallow pan
Ambulong Island 8
"Tethered pigs - on Ambulong while on a visit as a guest of James Aubi. Other men were fishing from the crash boat" From "Darkroom Soldier": "Tethered Pigs. James Aubi's home, Ambulong Island in Mindoro Strait south of San Jose." ("Darkroom Soldier"…
Tags: Ambulong, Aubi, Darkroom, Island Pigs, James, Soldier quote