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1955-56 "Time Out For Ginger" 7
"1955-56 Theater - Time Out For Ginger cast, Jack Chapman" [This photo appears in the 1956 Mountaineer yearbook, pg. 95. The caption names him as the Hunt Hall Dorm Director.]

1955-56 "Time Out For Ginger" 8
"Theater, Time Out For Ginger cast, Larry DeVore, 55-56" This is a head shot of Larry DeVore. He is wearing a dark colored sweater over a white T-shirt.

1955-56 Time Out For Ginger 9
"Theater, Time Out For Ginger cast, Glenn Hogg, 55-56" This is a head shot of Glenn Hogg. He has short, dark curly hair, and he is wearing a white T-shirt. It looks like he is mugging for the camera.

1980 Ackerman Elementary Cassettes 01
"October 13, 1980" A series of images related to the new "Kids For Computers" learning program in the Ackerman Elementary classrooms. The image is of a teacher showing the tape cassettes that will be used with the Commodore computers.

1980 Ackerman Elementary Cassettes 02
"October 13, 1980" A series of images related to the new "Kids For Computers" learning program in the Ackerman Elementary classrooms. The image is of a teacher showing the tape cassettes that will be used with the Commodore computers.

1980 Ackerman Elementary Cassettes 03
"October 13, 1980" A series of images related to the new "Kids For Computers" learning program in the Ackerman Elementary classrooms. The image is of a child's "Computer License." It reads: "Type: Novice. Date: 10-13-80. Name: Darryl Coleman."

1980 Ackerman Elementary Computers 01
"November 1980" A series of images of children in an Ackerman Elementary School classroom where new Commodore computers and the program, "Kids For Computers" have just been introduced.

1980 Ackerman Elementary Computers 02
"November 1980" A series of images of children in an Ackerman Elementary School classroom where new Commodore computers and the program, "Kids For Computers" have just been introduced.

1980 Ackerman Elementary Computers 03
"November 1980" A series of images of children in an Ackerman Elementary School classroom where new Commodore computers and the program, "Kids For Computers" have just been introduced.

1980 Ackerman Elementary Computers 04
"November 1980" A series of images of children in an Ackerman Elementary School classroom where new Commodore computers and the program, "Kids For Computers" have just been introduced.
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