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  • Tags: Army Air Force

40's Training Command Captain
"Rolf Bye in charge of Army at EOCE during WWII" This is an outdoor portrait of Army Captain Rolf Bye.

40's Training Command Officers
"Center with glasses, Captain Bye" This appears to be a meeting of the EOCE Training Command officers. Going around the circle of the table from left to right, they are: Lt. Archer, Lt. Oldershaw, Captain Rolf Bye, Lt. Graham, and Lt. McGrath.

40's Training Command Students
"Physics Lab, EOC" Young men, dressed in military uniforms, work with various equipment at tables in a Physics Lab.

40's Training Command Wall Stands
"1940-49" Four young men in white T-shirts and shorts go over a wall during their training. In a fairly significant show of strength they hold their legs up in the air at the top of the wall. A small part of Ackerman School is visible in theā€¦
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