Browse Items (14 total)

  • Tags: Annex

La Grande, Sacajawea Hotel 3
"Sacajawea Hotel - with sign - after the annex 1929"

1984 Employee, Tim Anderson 01
"10/1984 - Tim Anderson" Tim Anderson leans against the sign out in front of the Science and Math Annex building.

1984 Employee, Tim Anderson 03
"10/1984 - Tim Anderson" A series of images of Tim Anderson out in front of the Science and Math Annex building.

1987 Building, Science/Math Annex 01
"2/1987 - Campus" Four images of the Science / Math Annex building.

Tags: ,

1984 Employee, Tim Anderson 02
"10/1984 - Tim Anderson" Tim Anderson leans against the sign out in front of the Science and Math Annex building.

1984 Employee, Tim Anderson 04
"10/1984 - Tim Anderson" A series of images of Tim Anderson out in front of the Science and Math Annex building.

1984 Employee, Tim Anderson 05
"10/1984 - Tim Anderson" A series of images of Tim Anderson out in front of the Science and Math Annex building.

1984 Employee, Tim Anderson 06
"10/1984 - Tim Anderson" A series of images of Tim Anderson out in front of the Science and Math Annex building.

1984 Employee, Tim Anderson 07
"10/1984 - Tim Anderson" A series of images of Tim Anderson out in front of the Science and Math Annex building.

1984 Employee, Tim Anderson 08
"10/1984 - Tim Anderson" A series of images of Tim Anderson out in front of the Science and Math Annex building.
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