Browse Items (60 total)

  • Tags: Elgin High School

Elgin HS, Selma Carruthers 3
"Selma Carruthers - EHS Faculty 1938"

Elgin HS, Melvin Parker
"Melvin Parker - Supt. EHS 1934-37"

Elgin HS, Cecelia Lingelbaugh 1
"Cecelia Lingelbaugh - Typing and shorthand teacher"

Elgin HS, Walter Schultz
"Walter Schultz - Coach - Math - Elgin - 1934-1940"

Elgin, HS Basketball Action 3
"A travelling girl's basketball team - Played High School boys - Elgin gym"

Elgin, HS Basketball Action 1
"B-League District Tournament - Elgin Gym"

Elgin, HS Basketball Team 1
"Elgin 1st string Basketball team - Coach Walter Schultz"

Elgin, HS Students
"Elgin High School, Elgin, Oregon - 1907-1909 - Building dedicated May 18, 1908. Destroyed by fire in the spring of 1945."

Elgin, HS Girls' Basketball Team
"Elgin Girls' Basketball Team - Elgin High School - 1912"
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