Browse Items (60 total)

  • Tags: Elgin High School

Elgin, HS Pranksters 2
"Ken Adams - Russel (Bud) Hug"

Elgin HS, Selma Carruthers 2
"Elgin High School Faculty - Selma Carruthers - 1937"

Elgin HS, Cecelia Lingelbaugh 3
"Elgin High School - 1937/38 - Cecelia Lingelbaugh - Typing and shorthand teacher"

Elgin HS, Cecelia Lingelbaugh 2
"Elgin High School - 1937/38 - Cecelia Lingelbaugh - Typing and shorthand teacher"

Elgin HS, Waldo Jacobs 1
"John Waldo Jacobs - Elgin - Senior 1938 - My post card camera on tripod"

Elgin HS, Zimmerdahl & Bushong
"Zimmerdahl - Bushong - 1937-38"

Elgin, HS Dress Down Day 3
"Dress Down Day - Verl Wisdone, unidentified, Bob Heyduck"
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