"Jenny Kissed Me,' a comedy in three acts played on three consecutive nights, November 10, 11, 12, 1949" [Photo appears in the 1950 Mountaineer yearbook, "Jenny Kissed Me" section.]
"Jenny Kissed Me,' a comedy in three acts played on three consecutive nights, November 10, 11, 12, 1949" [Photo appears in the 1950 Mountaineer yearbook, "Jenny Kissed Me" section.]
"Jenny Kissed Me,' a comedy in three acts played on three consecutive nights, November 10, 11, 12, 1949" [Photo appears in the 1950 Mountaineer yearbook, "Jenny Kissed Me" section.]
"1949-50 Shopping" Two unidentified students, a young man and woman, are talking with what appears to be a local drugstore keeper. Generalized merchandise and pharmaceuticals for sale are neatly arranged in display cases and on shelving around the…
"1949-50 Patient" A young male patient reads a play while resting in a hospital bed. [Because of its proximity to campus, the hospital is possibly St. Joseph's.]
"1949-50 Shopping" Two unidentified students, a young man and woman, are talking with what appears to be a local drugstore keeper. Generalized merchandise and pharmaceuticals for sale are neatly arranged in display cases and on shelving around the…