Eight unidentified young people, four males and four females, lie in the grass in rows. [Most likely, this was taken at a location near La Grande, Oregon.]
Walter Reuter (third in from the right) sits with four other unidentified gentleman in two automobiles. [This appears to have been taken in or near La Grande, Oregon.]
Walter Reuter (on the right) poses with four unidentified gentleman by two automobiles. [This appears to have been taken in or near La Grande, Oregon.]
Walter and Madeline Reuter (couple on left) stand with an unidentified woman and man in the yard of a house. [Madeline's dress is loose around the middle. Possibly, maternity wear.] [This appears to be the area in or near La Grande, Oregon.]
Walter (on the left) and Madeline Reuter (woman on right) pose with an unidentified man and woman in the yard of a house. [Her dress is loose around the middle. Possibly, maternity wear.] [This appears to be the area in or near La Grande, Oregon.]
"At Jerry's - September 14, 1913" Madeline and Walter Reuter (on the left) stand together with three unidentified women. There are horses just barely visible in the background.