Eight unidentified young people, four males and four females, have swapped clothing. The women are wearing the men's sports coats and hats, while the men are wearing the women's dress coats and hats.
Walter Reuter (crouching with a rifle) and seven of his unidentified mates, three males and four females have swapped clothing. The women are wearing the men's sports coats and hats, while the men are wearing the women's dress coats and hats.
Walter Reuter (on the left) with three of his unidentified, male friends. They are all wearing women's hats, blouses, and topcoats, and they are pretending to ride tree branches while brandishing sticks.
This appears to be Walter Reuter wearing a skirt over his clothes. He has also added a hat made out of a large tin can on his head, and he is holding a rifle.
Walter Reuter sits on the ground sharing a picnic with an unidentified young woman. [This appears to be one of the forested areas near La Grande, Oregon. This seems to be the same couple that is in image 2010.2.3094]