Eastern Oregon University Historical Photographs

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Eastern Oregon University Historical Photographs

Collection Items

1984 Festival, Quilt Booth 1-1
"10/1984 - October Folk Festival"
A local artisan displays the quilts she has made to sell in a booth during the folk festival.

1984 Homecoming and October Folk Festival Parade 01
"10/1984 - Homecoming and October Folk Festival Parade" The Pacific Islanders' "Island-Style" float.

1982 Meeting, April 16th 08
"April 16, 1982 - Left to right: Bill Worrell, La Grande Schools Superintendant; Dr. Rodney Briggs, EOSC President; Barbara Odegaard, Foundation"

1987 50th Reunion, Classes of 1936-38, Social 01
"6/1987 - 50th Reunion, Classes of 1936-38" Attendees of the 50th Class Reunion are welcomed by Director of College Relations, Jack Schut, who is on the left.

1990 Scholarship 1-1
"1990 - Nicole Resare [left]" Dick Stenard [right].

1954-55 Hoke Building Bookstore
"1954-55 - Jim Walters" Jim Walters works the adding machine behind the counter of the campus bookstore. There is a window to his left and scores of shelves, books and supplies behind him. He is wearing a tweed, sports jacket over a light colored,…

1987 New Student Days, Indoors 01
"9/1987 - New student days"

1990 Scholarship 1-2
"1990 - Christina Corona [left]" Dick Stenard [right].

1990 Scholarship 1-3
"1990 - Perla Rodriguez [left]" Dick Stenard [right].

1990 Scholarship 1-4
"1990 - Jennifer Chambers [left]" Dick Stenard (right).
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