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  • Tags: Command

1943 Training Command Residence 1
"(4-15-43) East ORE. State School" One of the dormitory rooms in Hunt Hall where Army aviation students attached to the Eastern Training Command live during their training.

1943 Training Command Officers
"15. September 1943, Captain (Rolf) Bye (center), Lt. Archer, Lt. Graham, Lt. Oldershaw, Lt. McGrath" Five officers from the EOCE Training Command pose outdoors standing in a row. They are dressed in their U.S. Army uniforms.

1943 Training Command Archery 2
"(4-15-43) Ea. Ore. State Normal School" Young men attached to the training command at EOCE and wearing military uniforms, instruct young women in archery. They are all standing around a target covered in arrows.

1943 Training Command Archery 1
"(4-15-43) East Ore. State Normal School. In front of EOC Adm. Bldg. [Administration Building] Army Program." Young men in Army uniforms line up behind young women who are practicing archery on the grass field in front of Inlow Hall.
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