"6/1987 - Summer Theater" A young boy practices running a spotlight for the children's, summer production of the Charlie Brown musical, "Snoopy." The brand on the back of the spotlight reads, "Strong Trouperette." Quinn Coliseum is visible in the…
"6/1987 - Summer Theater" A young boy practices running a spotlight for the children's, summer production of the Charlie Brown musical, "Snoopy." The brand on the back of the spotlight reads, "Strong Trouperette." Quinn Coliseum is visible in the…
"6/1987 - Summer Theater" An image of a young boy practicing the running of a spotlight for the children's, summer production of the Charlie Brown musical, "Snoopy." The brand on the back of the spotlight reads, "Strong Trouperette."
"6/1987 - Summer Theater" An image of a young boy practicing the running of a spotlight for the children's, summer production of the Charlie Brown musical, "Snoopy." The brand on the back of the spotlight reads, "Strong Trouperette."
"6/1987 - Summer Theater" An image of a young boy practicing the running of a spotlight for the children's, summer production of the Charlie Brown musical, "Snoopy." The brand on the back of the spotlight reads, "Strong Trouperette."