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  • Tags: Charlie

1987 Summer Theater, "Snoopy" 21
"6/1987 - Summer Theater" An image from the summer, children's production of the Charlie Brown musical, "Snoopy."

1987 Summer Theater, "Snoopy" 22
"6/1987 - Summer Theater" An image from the summer, children's production of the Charlie Brown musical, "Snoopy."

1987 Summer Theater, "Snoopy" 23
"6/1987 - Summer Theater" An image from the summer, children's production of the Charlie Brown musical, "Snoopy."

1987 Summer Theater, "Snoopy" 24
"6/1987 - Summer Theater" An image from the summer, children's production of the Charlie Brown musical, "Snoopy."

1987 Summer Theater, "Snoopy" 25
"6/1987 - Summer Theater" An image from the summer, children's production of the Charlie Brown musical, "Snoopy."

1987 Summer Theater, "Snoopy" Lighting 01
"6/1987 - Summer Theater" A young boy practices running a spotlight for the children's, summer production of the Charlie Brown musical, "Snoopy." The brand on the back of the spotlight reads, "Strong Trouperette." Quinn Coliseum is visible in the…

1987 Summer Theater, "Snoopy" Lighting 02
"6/1987 - Summer Theater" A young boy practices running a spotlight for the children's, summer production of the Charlie Brown musical, "Snoopy." The brand on the back of the spotlight reads, "Strong Trouperette." Quinn Coliseum is visible in the…

1987 Summer Theater, "Snoopy" Lighting 03
"6/1987 - Summer Theater" An image of a young boy practicing the running of a spotlight for the children's, summer production of the Charlie Brown musical, "Snoopy." The brand on the back of the spotlight reads, "Strong Trouperette."

1987 Summer Theater, "Snoopy" Lighting 04
"6/1987 - Summer Theater" An image of a young boy practicing the running of a spotlight for the children's, summer production of the Charlie Brown musical, "Snoopy." The brand on the back of the spotlight reads, "Strong Trouperette."

1987 Summer Theater, "Snoopy" Lighting 05
"6/1987 - Summer Theater" An image of a young boy practicing the running of a spotlight for the children's, summer production of the Charlie Brown musical, "Snoopy." The brand on the back of the spotlight reads, "Strong Trouperette."
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