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  • Tags: Award

1980 Award Presentation, Teacher
"April 12, 1980 - Dick Hermens, Erros Osterloh" Dick Hermens presents Erros Osterloh with the, "Ralph E. Badgley Meritorious Teacher Award."

1984 Duke Edinburgh Award 01
"2/1984 - Vicki Smith winning Duke Edinburgh Award" President Dave Gilbert is pointing to the award pin on Smith's shoulder.

1984 Duke Edinburgh Award 03
"2/1984 - Vicki Smith winning Duke Edinburgh Award"

Vicki Smith (left), Dave Gilbert (right).

1984 Duke Edinburgh Award 02
"2/1984 - Vicki Smith winning Duke Edinburgh Award" President Dave Gilbert is pointing to the award pin on Smith's shoulder.

1984 Duke Edinburgh Award 04
"2/1984 - Vicki Smith winning Duke Edinburgh Award"

Vicki Smith (left), Dave Gilbert (right).

40's Training Command Award
"1940-49 - President Roben J. Maaske" On the right, EOCE President Roben J. Maaske receives an Army Air Forces Training Command Certficate of Service Award for EOCE from an Army Captain on the left.
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