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80's Banquet 02
Six images of a banquet in Hoke Hall.

Katsuyui Sakamoto (direct center of image).

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80's Concert 14
Fourteen images of a concert performance in Hoke Hall featuring singers and guitar players. [Possibly, the Ambassadors.]

80's Concert 13
Fourteen images of a concert performance in Hoke Hall featuring singers and guitar players. [Possibly, the Ambassadors.]

80's Concert 12
Fourteen images of a concert performance in Hoke Hall featuring singers and guitar players. [Possibly, the Ambassadors.]

80's Concert 11
Fourteen images of a concert performance in Hoke Hall featuring singers and guitar players. [Possibly, the Ambassadors.]

80's Concert 10
Fourteen images of a concert performance in Hoke Hall featuring singers and guitar players. [Possibly, the Ambassadors.]

80's Concert 09
Fourteen images of a concert performance in Hoke Hall featuring singers and guitar players. [Possibly, the Ambassadors.]

80's Concert 08
Fourteen images of a concert performance in Hoke Hall featuring singers and guitar players. [Possibly, the Ambassadors.]

80's Concert 07
Fourteen images of a concert performance in Hoke Hall featuring singers and guitar players. [Possibly, the Ambassadors.]

80's Concert 06
Fourteen images of a concert performance in Hoke Hall featuring singers and guitar players. [Possibly, the Ambassadors.]
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