"1953, Spring - Mardi Gras Winners, L-R: Dr. Lee Johnson - organ grinder, Ron Bayes, Charles Clark, Mrs. Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Bolen, and three unidentified people."
"1932 Members of the Social Committee Dance" Amidst numerous, decorated, Christmas trees, including one very tall one, couples dressed in formal wear dance. On a stage in the background, a band plays.
"1954-55 Junior Prom" In the center of the picture, Jo Ann Wheeler and Don Scharn dance together under a large star. Other couples dance around them, and there are more decorations hanging from the ceiling and walls.
"1953-54 - Intercollegiate Knights Ball - Sweetheart Donna Snow, Tony Phelps" Wearing a crown and holding a bouquet of flowers, Donna Snow sits on a throne as the Sweetheart of the Intercollegiate Knights' Ball. Her escort, Tony Phelps is standing…