"Graduate of 1975 - Bruce Stecher" Two pictures of Bruce Stecher that have not been separated. In the top picture, he is relaxing on a sofa in the upstairs area of Hoke Hall. A spiral staircase is visible in the background. In the bottom picture, he…
"10/17/1975 - Octoberfest German Club Dancers"
The following names were included with the image, but did not specifically identify any of the subjects: "Ellen Porter, Cam MacGinnis, Dave Turner, Kim Ihander, and Marti Fashee [or Forshee]." The…
"March 6, 1976 - Open House"
Faculty and staff mingle with guests and students during the campus Open House in Hoke Hall. Identified in this image are from left to right: Dorothy Winters (1st), Mary Davison (3rd), Rodney Briggs (4th), and Howard…
"February 18, 1978 - Open House - Health Survey"
During the Open House, Nurse Connie Covert checks a student's blood pressure at the health survey table.