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  • Tags: Sleeping quarters

Binmaley Camp, Enlisted Home 1
"One of the fine E.M. homes at the Binmaley camp area of the 17th Tactical Recon Sqdn"

Binmaley Camp, Quarters 5
"The fine home for 5 Photo Lab men and 1 Medic at Binmaley. The floor, walls and tent frame, plus the extended porch cost each of us, $20. paid to Filipino craftsmen. 17th Tact Recon Sqdn"

Binmaley Camp, Enlisted Home 3
"Two Binmaley tent homes of 17th Recon enlisted men"

Binmaley Camp, Tent Mates
"The Photo Lab members of our tent family. Dick Baxter, Allan Countryman, Fred Hill, Ed Bernardo, and Van Reimer. Sixth member Walt Peters, a Medic, not included here." From "Darkroom Soldier": "Bamboo Chairs. The Photo Section bought new chairs and…
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