"Sgt Earl Powers using a light-proof changing bag to re-load his camera" From "Darkroom Soldier": "Changing Bag. To remove an exposed roll of film and install a new roll in his Kodak 3-A, Sgt Powers crouches beside a Hollandia base road and…
"Sgt Ed Bernardo frying fish from Big Emby Lake - at night (note flashlight) Make-shift stove! taken with Sqdn's Speed Graphic & flash." From "Darkroom Soldier": "Fish Fry. Ed Bernardo dons his chef hat and grills the fresh catch from Big Embi Lake.…
"41st Division - August 1940 - Platoon Sgt Bill Gamble demonstrates 60mm trench mortar - on maneuvers at Hunter-Liggett military reservation, California"