"10/1985 - Octoberfest Parade" The Hunt Hall parade float is an old fire truck filled to capacity with dorm residents. Posters on the truck declare, "Boxer Buster," and "Biff the Boxers" in reference to the upcoming homecoming football game.
"August 1976 - experimental shots"
Cars are driven along Adams Avenue in La Grande, Oregon. Banks, stores, and restaurants line the sides of the road, including U.S. Bank, First National Bank, Chuck Wagon, True Value Hardware, Mr. Glasson's, and…
"10/1985 - Octoberfest Parade" Three images of three young women pushing a large 2-door convertible on wet roads in the downtown La Grande, Oregon area. A sign on the side of the car reads: "Go Mounties - ASEOSC - Cindi Bergstrom, President; Sandra…
"10/1985 - Octoberfest Parade" A series of images of the Hunt Hall parade float, an old fire truck filled to capacity with dorm residents. Posters on the truck declare, "Boxer Buster," and "Biff the Boxers" in reference to the upcoming homecoming…
"10/1985 - Octoberfest Parade" Seven images of the McLoughlin Union High School marching band with the drill team, baton twirlers, and banner carriers out in front, walking in the parade.