"5/20/1982 - Alice Warnock, Dixie Lund's student in Continuing Ed" Ten images of Alice Warnock painting a picture while using the lighting and view from a large window in front of her.
"5/20/1982 - Alice Warnock, Dixie Lund's student in Continuing Ed" Ten images of Alice Warnock painting a picture while using the lighting and view from a large window in front of her.
"5/20/1982 - Alice Warnock, Dixie Lund's student in Continuing Ed" Ten images of Alice Warnock painting a picture while using the lighting and view from a large window in front of her.
"5/20/1982 - Alice Warnock, Dixie Lund's student in Continuing Ed" Ten images of Alice Warnock painting a picture while using the lighting and view from a large window in front of her.
"5/20/1982 - Alice Warnock, Dixie Lund's student in Continuing Ed" Ten images of Alice Warnock painting a picture while using the lighting and view from a large window in front of her.
"5/20/1982 - Alice Warnock, Dixie Lund's student in Continuing Ed" Ten images of Alice Warnock painting a picture while using the lighting and view from a large window in front of her.
"5/20/1982 - Alice Warnock, Dixie Lund's student in Continuing Ed" Ten images of Alice Warnock painting a picture while using the lighting and view from a large window in front of her.