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  • Tags: Musicals

1934 "Pied Piper of Hamelin"
"1934+/- A Dramatic Presentation - 'Pied Piper of Hamelin' - presented winter quarter by Sock and Buskin, the Music Dept. and the Training School. It was an opera."

1950 Ackerman Elementary, Jump Rope
"1950" Young girls, presumably students at Ackerman Elementary School jump rope on a stage. Two adults are on either end of the rope turning it for them. EOCE band members are seated in front of the stage watching.

1950 Musical Rehearsal 1-1
"1950 - Musical Rehearsal" Couples dance together in a promenade while the chorus claps along.

1950 Musical Rehearsal 1-2
"1950 - Musical Rehearsal" Couples dance together in a promenade while the chorus claps along.

1984 Theatre, Chautaqua 01
"July 1984 - Chautaqua" Traveling to rural areas, Chautaqua brings entertainment to the EOSC campus with a performance in the outdoor Gronek Amphitheater.

1984 Theatre, Chautaqua 02
"July 1984 - Chautaqua" Traveling to rural areas, Chautaqua brings entertainment to the EOSC campus with a performance in the outdoor Gronek Amphitheater.
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