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  • Tags: Micronesian

1983 Spring Festival & Ice Cream Social, Micronesian Performers 05
"1983 Springfest" Twelve images of Micronesian students performing native dances at the Spring Festival & Ice Cream Social.

1983 Spring Festival & Ice Cream Social, Micronesian Performers 04
"1983 Springfest" Twelve images of Micronesian students performing native dances at the Spring Festival & Ice Cream Social.

1983 Spring Festival & Ice Cream Social, Micronesian Performers 03
"1983 Springfest" Twelve images of Micronesian students performing native dances at the Spring Festival & Ice Cream Social.

1983 Spring Festival & Ice Cream Social, Micronesian Performers 02
"1983 Springfest" Twelve images of Micronesian students performing native dances at the Spring Festival & Ice Cream Social.
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