"Reunion - MP's Lt O'Keefe and Sgt Fred Hill. O'Keefe was 1st Sgt of the 123rd Obsn. Sqdn when Fred Hill transferred from Infantry to Air Force in Nov. 1941"
"Parachute Infantry man, on ground, being dragged by his 'chute. Many 'chutes still in the air. Signal Corps Photo from Lantern slide from Bob Flynn - 503rd historian"
"Signal Corps photo from ground - 2 parachutes still in air with their men visible - C-47 departing - Lantern slide original from Bob Flynn - 503rd historian"
"503rd Combat Parachute Infantry striding across botanical debris on Corregidor - perhaps Feb 17 - Signal Corps Photo from Lantern slide - Bob Flynn, 503 historian"
"Signal Corps Photo. 503rd RCT members in C-47 hooked to static line ready to jump - Sgt Albert Baldwin of Steubenville, Ohio leads the jump in first positition - Signal Corps original, from Lantern Slide from Bob Flynn - fairly sharp"