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  • Tags: Housemother

1968 Council, Dorion East 02
Two images of some of the Dorion East Council members socializing with their dorm mother, Mrs. Chandler.

From left to right: Mrs. Chandler (2nd), [appears to be:] Lorraine Kadosaki (3rd), [appears to be:] Margie Shumway (4th).

1968 Council, Dorion East 01
Two images of some of the Dorion East Council members socializing with their dorm mother, Mrs. Chandler.

From left to right: Mrs. Chandler (2nd), [appears to be:] Lorraine Kadosaki (3rd), [appears to be:] Margie Shumway (4th).

1961 Council, Women's Dorm
"Dorion counselors', Pat Blackburn, Sue Switzer, Loretta Herbison and Gail Fisher meet with Mrs. Chandler, Dorion housemother." [Photo appears in the 1962 Mountaineer yearbook, pg. 36.]
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