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  • Tags: Granada

1949 Parade, East OR Float 1-1
"1949" An entire vehicle has been covered in evergreen branches. The banner on the side of the float reads, "Know Eastern Oregon." There are two young men riding up top, and one riding on the back. The float is passing in front of the Granada theater…

1953-54 Marching Band 1-1
"1953-54 Band" The EOCE Marching band marches down Adams Ave in La Grande, OR. There are two baton twirlers and a drum major right up front. Local businesses like, Sprouse-Reitz, J.C. Penney Company and the Granada theater are visible in the…

1976 La Grande, Street Scene 1-1
"August 1976 - experimental shots"
Cars are driven along Adams Avenue in La Grande, Oregon. Banks, stores, and restaurants line the sides of the road, including U.S. Bank, First National Bank, Chuck Wagon, True Value Hardware, Mr. Glasson's, and…

1984 La Grande, Street Scene
"10/1984" An image of Adams Avenue in La Grande, Oregon with the October Folk Festival and Homecoming banner hanging above the street.
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