Browse Items (17 total)

  • Tags: Gold

Utah, Smelting Co. Check
"American Smelting and Refining Co. check no. 2345. 'Pay to the order of Friday Gold Mining Co., Limited' in the amount of $670.22. Signed by J.M. Bidwell, assist. manager of the Murray Plant in Salt Lake City, Utah - Sept. 2, 1904."

Sumpter, North Pole Mill
"North Pole Gold Mill - circa 1901-1903"

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Baker, Cracker Summit Mines 1
"Cracker Summit Group of Mines [Bourne, Oregon] - circa 1901-1903. Shows the locations of 'Mining claims of the Cracker Eagle Gold Mining Co.' These include: The Mother Lode, North Star, Telegraph, War Eagle and the Cracker Oregon Gold Mill and…

Baker, Cracker Summit Mines 2
"[Cracker Summit Group of Mines - Bourne, Oregon] - circa 1901-1903. Shows the locations of the Victor mine and the Cracker Oregon Gold Mill. The E [Eureka] and E [Excelsior] Mines and Mills is identified in the background." [In a previous record,…

Sumpter, King Mines
"Oregon King Mines and Tunnel - Sumpter Gold Fields - June 24, 1902"

Lane, Mayflower Mine
"Mayflower Mine [Lane County]. Minersville Gold Mining and Milling Co. - circa 1901-1903. One of the miners is standing in the snow while leaning on a shovel at the tunnel entrance."

Sumpter, North Pole Mill (copy)
"Baker [County] area mines - North Pole Gold Mill - Cracker Creek, Or."

Sumpter, North Pole Mill
"Baker [County] area mines - North Pole Gold Mill - Cracker Creek, Or."

Sumpter, Gold Circle W.O.W.
"Gold Circle No. 329 W.O.W. (Women of Woodcraft} - Sumpter, Ore. - July 4, 1903" The nine women representing this organization pose together in front of the First National Bank of Sumpter in two rows, with the front row sitting on a bench and the…

Baker, Knapp Group Map
"Baker [County] area mines - Highland Gold Mine Co. - Knapp Group - Sumpter, Or. Maps - circa 1901-1903" "Property of the Highland Gold Mines Co.- Knapp Group - Sumpter, Oregon - Granite, Grano-Diorite, Argillite - U.S. Deputy Mineral Surveyors"
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