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  • Tags: Geelvink Bay

KP Duty, Fred Hill
"Fred Hill, Sergeant, on KP" From "Darkroom Soldier": "New Guinea KP. Sometime during the summer of 1944, Martha delivered this photo and caption information to her local newspaper: 'Stationed with a photo reconaissance group of the Army Air Force is…

KP Duty 2
"17th Tact. Recon Sqdn enlisted men washing their mess kits - Coleman immersion heaters kept water Very Hot in clean metal garbage cans" Mess Hall in background.

KP Duty 1
"PHOTO GUNNER Sgt Earl E. Powers on KP - Pots & Pans In the Air Force, even Sgts 'pulled KP"

Japanese Well Drilling Rig 3
"Japanese well drilling apparatus left behind as they were driven back. Being used by U.S. to drill a well for fresh water at 17th Tact. Recon Sqdn camp site at Biak Island - Dutch New Guinea"

Japanese Well Drilling Rig 2
"Japanese well drilling rig - left behind - Being used by U.S. forces - Biak" From "Darkroom Soldier": "Well Drillers. To find a fresh water source for washing and bathing, unidenitified men of the 17th Squadron Utilities Section quickly learned to…

Japanese Well Drilling Rig 1
"Japanese well drilling rig being used in the 17th Tact. Recon Sqdn camp area on Biak"

Japanese Tank, Turret
"Turret of Jap Tank on the beach at Biak"

Japanese Tank 3
"Overturned Jap tank on the beach area of Biak" From "Darkroom Soldier": "Japanese Hulk. During his three months on Biak, Hill frequently documented the remains of Japanese resistance and the Allies' ultimate triumph. Here, he probably records the…

Japanese Tank 2
"A destroyed Jap tank on the beach area - S. Biak"
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