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  • Tags: Framework

Mess Hall Construction 1
"17th Tact. Recon Sqdn Mess hall being assembled. The wood came from Australian sources - Pre-cut and bolt holes were pre-drilled. A very heavy dense wood" From "Darkroom Soldier": "Raising the Mess Hall. Once Biak was pacified, Hill and other…

Mess Hall Construction 5
"Assembling the mess hall for the 17th tact Recon Sqdn at Biak. The frame members were pre-cut and bolt holes drilled - supplied by Australia"

1984 Employees, Construction
"10/1984" An image of two men constructing the framework for one of the October Folk Festival booths.

1985 Octoberfest, Construction 01
"10/1985 - Octoberfest" Eight images of employees constructing the framework for the October Folk Festival booths.

Dick Townsend (left edge).

1988 Quinn Gymnasium Framework
"1988" An image of students creating some sort of support framework in one of the Quinn Coliseum gymnasiums.


1985 Octoberfest, Construction 02
"10/1985 - Octoberfest" Eight images of employees constructing the framework for the October Folk Festival booths.

Dick Townsend (left edge).

1985 Octoberfest, Construction 03
"10/1985 - Octoberfest" Eight images of employees constructing the framework for the October Folk Festival booths.

Dick Townsend (left edge).

1985 Octoberfest, Construction 04
"10/1985 - Octoberfest" Eight images of employees constructing the framework for the October Folk Festival booths.

1985 Octoberfest, Construction 05
"10/1985 - Octoberfest" Eight images of employees constructing the framework for the October Folk Festival booths.

1985 Octoberfest, Construction 06
"10/1985 - Octoberfest" Eight images of employees constructing the framework for the October Folk Festival booths.
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