Browse Items (49 total)

  • Tags: Farmhands

La Grande, Farm Thresher
"Arthur Conaway Thresher - La Grande, OR - 1910"

La Grande Farm, Huffman 2
"C.D. Huffman's Farm on Cove, Avenue., La Grande, OR - actual owner of the threshing machinery unknown - perhaps 1910"

Summerville Farm, Woodell
"Jim Woodell Farm - Summerville, Oregon 1920+/-"

Farm, Hay Baling Operation
"1900 era - Hay baling operation From a post card sent to Lynn Hill (Summerville) from Amos Maxfield (Elgin)"

Union County, Farming 1
"Somewhere in Union County"


Farm, Plowing 1
"4 horse teams on 2 bottom plows - actual location unknown"


Farm, Plowing 2
"Frank James at work on his farm 21 miles N.E. of Fletcher"

Farm, Haying Operation 2
An ongoing haying operation.

Umatilla County, Farming
"Umatilla County somewhere"
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