"Shop, Physical Plant Staff, L to R: Vern Fager (Building Repair and Maintenance), Howard Fager (Carpenter), Earl Patberg (Grounds), Fred Fager (Carpenter)" The four men are building what appears to be a desk.
"Physical Plant Staff, 1954-55" The nine men and two women that make up the physical plant staff pose together in their work clothes. [A very similar photo appears in the 1955 Mountaineer yearbook, pg. 14.]
"1958 Construction" A crane run by, "Bechtel Bros. Builders - Elgin, Ore" lowers the very large septic tank into a hole during an early construction phase for the dormitory, Dorion Hall. In the background is the men's dormitory building that would…
"1958 Construction" A crane run by, "Bechtel Bros. Builders - Elgin, Ore" has lowered the very large septic tank into a hole during an early construction phase for the dormitory, Dorion Hall. In the background is the men's dormitory building that…
"1958 Construction" A crane run by, "Bechtel Bros. Builders - Elgin, Ore" lowers the very large septic tank into a hole during an early construction phase for the dormitory, Dorion Hall. In the background is the men's dormitory building that would…