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  • Tags: Eastern pride

1985 Orientation, Outdoors 03
"9/1985 - New students days" Wearing an "Eastern Pride" painter's cap, a new student participates in orientation activities and campus tours.

1985 Orientation, Outdoors 10
"9/1985 - New student days" A group of young people are walking out of Inlow Hall after a campus orientation session. Several of them are carrying "Eastern Pride" student handbooks and painter's caps.

1985 Orientation, Tours 01
"9/1985 - New students days" Wearing "Eastern Pride" painter's caps and carrying student handbooks, new students participate in a campus tour.

1986 Children Perform Play 01
"8/1986" Girls performing a skit or play, probably during one of the summer camps for middle and high school students. Several of the girls are wearing "Eastern Pride" painter's caps.

1985 Orientation, Outdoors 12
"9/1985 - New student days" Carrying an "Eastern Pride" painter's cap, a student handbook and a cup, a young woman walks down the steps in front of Inlow Hall. A young man is reaching out to hand her a pamphlet, and behind him is another young woman…

1986 Science Camp, Indoors 01
"7/1986 - Science Camp" A boy named, "Aram" at the Summer Science Camp.

1986 Science Camp, Indoors 02
"7/1986 - Science Camp" A boy named, "Aram" conducting an experiment at the Summer Science Camp.

1988 Science Camp, Outdoors 3
During the children's, summer science camp, two of the boys walk together looking for butterflies and other insects. They are both carrying butterfly nets, and the one on the right is also wearing an "Eastern Pride" painter's cap.

1988 Science Camp, Outdoors 5
During the children's, summer science camp, a young boy holds out his hand to show a blossom from a plant. He is wearing a painter's cap backwards on his head.

1986 Science Camp, Outdoors 01
"7/1986 - Science Camp, Dave Kerley" Biology professor, Dave Kerley talks with a group of kids during the 1986 Summer Science Camp.
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