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  • Tags: Easels

80's Art Class, Painting
A young woman and a man paint pictures at wood easels in this art classroom.


1986 Art Students 01
"6/1986 - Art students" A young woman sits at an easel outside and works on a charcoal drawing of a tree.


1985 Continuing Education Watercolor Class 01
"11/1985 - Don Gray, Art Instructor, Continuing Education Watercolor Class - Union"

1956-57 Quinn Coliseum Ground Breaking
"Dignitaries visiting EOC" This appears to be the ground breaking ceremony for the new college coliseum which would later be named after long-time coach, Bob Quinn. The gentleman who is wearing a hat, standing next to the easel with a sign on it, and…

1980 Employee, Ian Gatley 1-1
"April 22, 1980" Art and Architecture Professor Ian Gatley.


1948-49 Ackerman Elementary Art 2
"1948-1949 Ackerman Training School" An Eastern Oregon student in the Education Program supervises children who are painting pictures in an art class. [Photo appears in the 1949 Mountaineer yearbook, pg. 81.]

1949-50 Elder Art, Painting
"1949-50 Art" This appears to be an arts program for senior citizens that was held on campus. A woman sits in an art classroom next to an open window while she works on a painting of a canyon.

1977 Employee, Ian Gatley
"April 1977 - Ian Gatley"

1929-30 Ackerman Elementary Classroom
Probably one of the very first elementary classrooms at the training school. [Photo appears in the 1930 EONS Catalog.]

1980 Employee, Ian Gatley 1-2
"April 22, 1980" Art and Architecture professor, Ian Gatley.


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