Browse Items (12 total)
- Tags: Dairy
Wallowa County, Riverview Dairy
Tags: Dairies, Dairy, Enterprise, OR, Jersey cows, Joseph, OR, Riverview, Thoroughbreds
1979 Rodeo, Bulldogging 2-1
A cowboy wrestles a steer to the ground. In the background sponsorship billboards for "Tri-Mountain Realty," "La Grande Livestock Commission Company," "Bridles-n-Britches," and "Burgess" hang on the fence.
1981 Rodeo, Calf Dressing 01
Tags: Agency, Bleachers, Color, Commission, Company, Dairy, Dennis The Menace, Insurance, La Grande, Livestock, Loree, McDonald's Reynolds, Painting, Queen, Zenith
1981 Rodeo, Calf Dressing 02
Tags: Agency, Bleachers, Color, Commission, Company, Dairy, Dennis The Menace, Insurance, La Grande, Livestock, Loree, McDonald's Reynolds, Painting, Queen, Zenith
1981 Rodeo, Calf Dressing 03
Tags: Agency, Bleachers, Color, Commission, Company, Dairy, Dennis The Menace, Insurance, La Grande, Livestock, Loree, McDonald's Reynolds, Painting, Queen, Zenith
1981 Rodeo, Calf Dressing 04
Tags: Agency, Bleachers, Color, Commission, Company, Dairy, Dennis The Menace, Insurance, La Grande, Livestock, Loree, McDonald's Reynolds, Painting, Queen, Zenith
1981 Rodeo, Calf Dressing 05
Tags: Agency, Bleachers, Color, Commission, Company, Dairy, Dennis The Menace, Insurance, La Grande, Livestock, Loree, McDonald's Reynolds, Painting, Queen, Zenith
1981 Rodeo, Calf Dressing 06
Tags: Agency, Bleachers, Color, Commission, Company, Dairy, Dennis The Menace, Insurance, La Grande, Livestock, Loree, McDonald's Reynolds, Painting, Queen, Zenith
1981 Rodeo, Calf Dressing 07
Tags: Agency, Bleachers, Color, Commission, Company, Dairy, Dennis The Menace, Insurance, La Grande, Livestock, Loree, McDonald's Reynolds, Painting, Queen, Zenith